Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is common – it affects around 50% of women, although only about 12% will have symptoms. Some people get a prolapse soon after childbirth, others may not notice any issues for many years, even decades, but vaginal birth is a big risk factor....
Exercise and healthy ageing

Exercise and healthy ageing

There is good research showing that as we get older, consistent exercise helps slow down some of the problems that may be associated with ageing process. That’s because exercise has benefits for all the systems in our bodies. It even helps stimulate the brain and...
Dietary tips for people approaching their 50’s and beyond

Dietary tips for people approaching their 50’s and beyond

We’ve put together a few simple dietary suggestions to help with changing nutritional needs as we we get older. Protein Protein helps build muscle, and is essential for the repair and maintenance of body tissues. As we age (and changes begin from the age of 25!)...
Kapiti Women’s Triathlon 2024

Kapiti Women’s Triathlon 2024

February 25th 2024 The Kapiti Women’s Triathlon is open to women of all ages and fitness levels. It doesn’t matter if you’re a first timer or gym fit – there are options to suit everyone. You can enter as an individual or as a team, and you can...
Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma

What is birth trauma? Birth trauma is trauma that occurs before, during or after childbirth. It can be different for everyone, and it may not occur until quite some time after the birth. Birth trauma can be physical or psychological, or it may be a combination of...