
Women’s Health

Men’s Health

Gender Diverse Health

Paediatric Health

Women’s / AFAB Health

Bladder problems

Pelvic health physiotherapy helps with:

  • poor control of your bladder
  • frequent use of the toilet
  • wet pants eg when coughing, sneezing or exercising
  • urgency (sudden strong urge to empty the bladder)
  • urge incontinence

We will explain how your bladder works and teach you how to gain back control.

Evidence shows 60-80% of women can cure or improve bladder control with pelvic floor treatment

Did you know….10% of New Zealanders have problems with leakage from the bowel??

Bowel problems

Pelvic health physiotherapy can offer help with:

  • loss of control of the bowel, or having accidents
  • escape of wind at the wrong time
  • pain associated with the bowel
  • difficulty fully emptying the bowel
  • constipation and straining
  • bloating
  • urgency (having to get to the toilet in a hurry)

Bowel dysfunction causes a lot of distress. Treatment involves a thorough assessment to determine whether relaxation or strengthening of the pelvic floor is required. We will also give you basic dietary advice and education on positioning and techniques to aid full emptying and stop leakage.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs (bladder, bowel and / or uterus) slip down. Symptoms include a heaviness or dragging sensation in the pelvis or back, or a bulging or heavy feeling at the vaginal entrance.

Did you know?…. over 50% of women have some form of pelvic organ prolapse during their lives

Prolapse can result from a combination of factors including:

  • pregnancy
  • childbirth trauma
  • ageing
  • hormonal changes around menopause
  • straining and constipation
  • heavy lifting
  • repetitive coughing
  • inappropriate exercise

Treatment can help:

  • reduce the prolapse
  • avoid the need for surgery

If you’ve been told you have a prolapse, but you have no symptoms –  do seek help still!  This cam stop it getting worse, and causing problems.

Treatment involves:

  • pelvic floor muscle training
  • advice on lifestyle modifications to avoid stress on the pelvis

Vaginal pessaries:

 A pessary is a small device inserted into the vagina to help support the prolapse and get rid of symptoms. 

Our physios are also trained in pessary management. We can trial out different ones before you buy, to find the type and size that is best suited to you.  

Don’t put up with bulging or heaviness! 

Did you know…. one in three women over the age of 45 experience urinary incontinence?

Pelvic Pain and Sexual Dysfunction

Pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction can be very distressing and it can be a challenge to find the right help. Our pelvic health physios are experts in this area, with extra training and skills – enabling you to have a better quality of life

We treat patients with a range of diagnoses, including: 

  • chronic pelvic pain
  • vulvodynia / vaginismus
  • dyspareunia (pain with sex)
  • endometriosis
  • pudendal neuralgia
  • interstitial cystitis / bladder pain syndrome

People with pelvic pain often have tight pelvic floor muscles. Dealing with this can make a huge difference. 


Treatment includes:

  • education on pain mechanisms
  • pain relief self-management strategies
  • pelvic floor relaxation techniques
  • general relaxation and breathing techniques
  • posture and movement advice
  • pelvic floor stretch and release
  • use of biofeedback or TENS if required
  • dilator therapy

Did you know?… 20% of people experience pain with penetrative sex at some stage during their lives. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with this

Pregnancy and Postnatal Care

All our pelvic health physios are highly skilled and passionate about helping people during pregnancy and after childbirth. 

We also provide education and self-help advice for prevention of birth injuries, as well as treatment and rehabilitation afterwards

Pelvic Physiotherapy – Pregnancy Care

We offer our Pregnancy WOF assessment at 20 weeks to help optimise your health and movement during pregnancy, and reduce risk factors for birth trauma. If you’re already experiencing pain or pelvic floor problems issues – please do come in sooner.

Our WOF involves assessment and help with:

  • pelvic floor
  • bladder problems
  • bowel control, constipation
  • lifestyle modifications to help prevent bladder leakage or prolapse
  • abdominal care and help with prevention of diastasis (tummy gap)
  • posture advice
  • advice on appropriate general exercise
  • help with any pain – back, pelvis, wrist, ribs etc

Having good PFM function helps:

  • prevent more severe perineal tears during labour
  • reduce risk of bladder leakage in pregnancy and postnatally
  • shorten the pushing stage of labour

See more information about our pregnancy WOF here

Did you know 60% of women experience problems with bladder control during pregnancy?

Pelvic Physiotherapy – Postnatal Care

Birth injuries are common, and can be stressful, but out physios all have specialised skills to help get you back to full health and daily function after childbirth – whether you had a vaginal delivery or Caesarian birth.

Our Postnatal WOF assessment involves help with:

  • early care after perineal tears or episiotomy
  • caesarean scar management
  • pelvic floor and abdominal / core rehab
  • prolapse, bladder and bowel control
  • sexual pain
  • coccyx pain, back pain, pelvic or other pain
  • diastasis (tummy gap)
  • safe, graduated return to exercise
  • scar release
  • help with reaching your sport and recreational goals
  • posture and back care

We are ACC registered so we are able to help with filling out forms for you, to access help with funding treatment.

See more information about our postnatal WOF here

Pre and post surgery

Pre-operative care

Many of the surgeons we work with recommend a session with us before your surgery.

We can give you:

  • a pelvic floor muscle strengthening programme to help with support of the pelvic organs after surgery
  • advice on how to care for and protect your pelvic floor during the first six weeks after surgery 

Post-operative care
Even if you didn’t get to see a physiotherapist prior to your surgery, it’s never too late. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles and learning to modify daily activities will help prevent recurrence.

Treatment after surgery involves:

  • pelvic floor and abdominal rehabilitation
  • general fitness and conditioning for daily activities
  • advice on return to sport and exercise in a safe manner
  • advice on long term maintenance exercises and lifestyle modifications to maximise surgical outcomes, and prevent recurrence

General Exercise – is it appropriate for YOUR pelvic floor?

Regular exercise has many known health benefits, but sometimes, certain exercise may not be appropriate. 

Times when you may be more at risk include:

  • during pregnancy
  • after childbirth
  • during perimenopause and after menopause
  • as you get older
  • when you are participating in high impact or high intensity exercise training

We can assess you and help identify whether you are at risk of causing pelvic floor problems with undue stress and pressure on the pelvic floor as a result of inappropriate exercise.

You will be given:

  • a personalised pelvic floor and rehab programme
  • help with activity modification while you get stronger
  • advice on when it is safe to return to sport and exercise e.g. after childbirth, surgery or a period of inactivity

We can also help with a return to running programme. 

Click here for information on returning to exercise during the first 6 weeks after childbirth.
Click here for information on returning to high impact exercise after childbirth.


Did you know?……  there is a link between certain types of exercise and increased risk of pelvic floor problems (e.g. incontinence and prolapse)

Perimenopause, menopause and ageing

Most women / people assigned female at birth, begin to experience hormone changes in their early forties, with the onset of perimenopausal changes. This leads to thinning of tissues, and potential weakness in your pelvic floor muscles.

Together with age related changes, this can cause symptoms such as:

  • Bladder and bowel leakage
  • Difficulty emptying the bowel
  • Prolapse
  • Painful sex

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help to lessen the impacts of these changes as you age. We will help you to strengthen and rehabilitate your pelvic floor. We will also help with improving flexibility and general strengthening, and advising on pain relief. 

We can help you choose safe exercise options, to protect your pelvic floor and prevent problems developing. 

Men’s / AMAB Health

Bladder problems

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can assist you with the treatment of:

  • poor control of your bladder
  • frequent use of the toilet
  • wet pants e.g. when coughing, sneezing or exercising
  • urgency (sudden strong urge to empty)
  • urge incontinence

We will explain how your bladder works and teach you how to gain back control. This includes teaching you how to use your pelvic floor correctly, a progressive strengthening programme, and other self-help strategies.

Bowel dysfunction

 Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can offer help with:

  • loss of control of the bowel, or accidents
  • loss of wind at the wrong time
  • prolapse of the bowel
  • difficulty fully emptying the bowel
  • constipation / straining
  • bloating
  • urgency to get to the toilet
  • pain associated with bowel function

Bowel dysfunction causes a lot of distress. Treatment involves a thorough assessment to determine whether relaxation or strengthening is required.

We give advice and education on normal bowel function and help with establishing good bowel routines. We also advise on positioning and techniques to aid full emptying of the bowel.

Did you know….10% of New Zealanders have problems with leakage from the bowel?

Did you know?……  there is a link between certain types of exercise and increased risk of pelvic floor problems (e.g. incontinence and prolapse)

people doing exercise

Pelvic pain / sexual issues

Pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction can be very distressing and it can be a challenge to find the right help. Our men’s health physiotherapists have extensive training in treating men with these issues. They work with other health professionals when necessary, and have a holistic approach to treatment.

There has been evolving research over the past 10-15 years showing a clear link between tightness in the pelvic floor muscles, and pelvic pain. The pain can be debilitating and often the men we see have been to numerous health professionals with little relief. Addressing pelvic floor dysfunction can make a huge difference.

We treat patients with a range of problems, including:

  • genital and groin pain
  • sexual pain and dysfunction
  • associated bladder and bowel pain and dysfunction
  • abdominal / pelvic pain
  • overactive pelvic floor
  • pudendal neuralgia

      Goals are to relieve pain and promote optimum bladder, bowel and sexual function to enable you to lead a full life.


      Treatment includes:

      • education on pain mechanisms
      • pain relief strategies
      • pelvic floor relaxation techniques
      • general relaxation and breathing training
      • posture and movement advice
      • pelvic floor stretch and release techniques
      • use of biofeedback or TENS if required

      Prostate surgery

      Following surgery for removal of the prostate, most men experience significant loss of bladder control, and erectile dysfunction. This can be very distressing.

      There is good evidence that improving pelvic floor muscle strength can make a big difference in:

      • reducing the amount of urinary leakage
      • reducing the time it takes to become dry again

      An appointment with an experienced pelvic floor physiotherapist means that you can be sure that you are doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly. We have various biofeedback options to help with this if necessary.


      We are able to:

      • check you are doing a pelvic floor muscle contraction correctly
      • customise your pelvic floor muscle exercise programme
      • progress the exercises appropriately
      • provide feedback and motivation
      • teach you how to use your pelvic floor muscles with daily activities (eg walking, sit to stand, bending and lifting) so that you don’t leak
      • give advice on pad use
      • help with return to exercise
      • give you help on return to sexual function

      Your pelvic floor physiotherapist can guide you with penile rehabilitation to help with earlier return of erectile function.

      Gender Diverse Health

      At Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, we are committed to providing inclusive and affirming care for all individuals, including transgender and gender diverse patients.


      Our team is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment where you can feel respected and understood. We strive to ensure that every patient receives personalised care that meets their specific needs, including pelvic health physiotherapy services that are sensitive to gender identity and expression.

      Whether you are seeking preventative care or treatment for existing conditions, we are here to help.

      Tamariki / Paediatric Health

      Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Children


      Bladder and bowel problems are common in children. They can be frustrating for both the child and their caregivers/whānau.

      We’ll help with diagnosis of the problem, and educate you on the anatomy.  We’ll also let you know what the treatment expectations are and provide you with timelines around this. 


      Bowel Problems

      Accidents / Soiling

      Causes of soiling in children include:

      • long-standing constipation (this is the most common cause)
      • painful emptying which can lead to avoiding going.
      • not wanting to use kindy/school toilets because of privacy or cleanliness issues.
      • being unable to access a toilet when they feel the urge to go
      • simply not feeling the need to go eg they are busy playing


      Constipation is when your child has hard, infrequent bowel motions. Signs of constipation can be:

      • large and hard poo 
      • no poo for 3 or more days
      • pain or crying when having a poo
      • tummy pain
      • soiling / accidents (also known as encopresis)

      Treatment of bowel problems:

      We can help sort your child’s constipation and / or soiling problems. This may involve help with:

      • toileting schedules
      • optimising stool consistency
      • advice on emptying technique to avoid straining
      • diet modification / fluid re-education
      • pelvic floor training


      It is thought that constipation occurs in up to 10% of children. 


      Bladder Problems


      Around 3-4% of children aged of 4-12 years, have problems with bladder leakage during the day. 

      Bedwetting at night is also common. 


      Pelvic floor physiotherapy can assist with:

      • Difficult urinating or controlling urination
      • Not urinating enough during the day
      • Inability to sense bladder fullness
      • Bladder leakage during the day or night

      Our physios will work with you to help make a diagnosis. They will provide education on bladder anatomy and function. and advise on treatment options.

      Treatment includes:

      • Toileting schedules to improve bladder and bowel habits
      • Diet modification/fluid re-education
      • Pelvic floor muscle evaluation if required – visual assessment only
      • Retraining of pelvic floor muscles
      • Use of biofeedback if necessary
      • Empowering your child with confidence


      Contact us today!

      If you have any questions or queries please drop us a line!