Diaphragmatic Breathing – reduce stress and function better

Diaphragmatic Breathing – reduce stress and function better

Stress is a natural reaction to life experiences, and it affects us all. There are times however when things start to get a bit out of control. Stress and anxiety are recognised as the top health issues effecting people on a global scale. In 2021, four in 10 adults...
Recommended guidelines for exercise in pregnancy

Recommended guidelines for exercise in pregnancy

All women, unless they have underlying medical issues (see below) should be physically active throughout pregnancy. This has been shown to result in better health outcomes for the mother, the unborn child and the newborn baby. The guidelines: • A variety of aerobic...
Pregnancy and postnatal pilates / yoga classes

Pregnancy and postnatal pilates / yoga classes

These classes are run by the fabulous Stephanie – one of our pelvic health physiotherapists, who is also a yoga and pilates teacher. Stephanie is a wonderful instructor who is passionate about helping women, so you will be in good hands! Are they for me? These...