
Physiotherapy after prostate cancer surgery

Physiotherapy after prostate cancer surgery

Pelvic health physiotherapy after prostate cancer surgery One of the most common and troublesome side effects after prostate cancer surgery is urinary incontinence. This can range from mild leakage requiring temporary use of pads to more severe cases that last longer....

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Latest Blog

Here you will find articles written by our physios covering pelvic health issues and concerns. These are updated regularly – if you are a patient of ours you can opt into receiving our blog posts right into your inbox when a new one goes live!

Articles include everything from general lifestyle advice to what we can treat and what treatment options are available for different conditions. For more personalised, comprehensive care and treatment advice that is tailored to you and your pelvic health needs, make an appointment with one of our highly skilled and passionate physiotherapists.


Liz Childs talks about the pelvic floor

Liz Childs talks about the pelvic floor

Continence Awareness Week 15-21 June 2020. In recognition of this we have made a video for Continence NZ, talking about the pelvic floor muscles: - where are they? - what is their function? - how do you know if you have a problem? - how can you strengthen these...

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Men have a pelvic floor too!

Men have a pelvic floor too!

Many people are surprised when they learn men have pelvic floor muscles. Not only that, men can also have pelvic floor problems. Where are the pelvic floor muscles? The pelvic floor muscles are like a hammock that sits at the bottom of the pelvis. They extend from the...

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POP goes my pelvis!

POP goes my pelvis!

This week’s blog is from a guest writer – Anya Morris. Anja, a fit and active woman, was devastated when she suddenly found herself with a prolapse. She soon realised there is a huge lack of awareness about prolapse, and how to access treatment. This prompted her to...

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Diaphragmatic Breathing – reduce stress and function better

Diaphragmatic Breathing – reduce stress and function better

Stress is a natural reaction to life experiences, and it affects us all. There are times however when things start to get a bit out of control. Stress and anxiety are recognised as the top health issues effecting people on a global scale. In 2021, four in 10 adults...

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Recommended guidelines for exercise in pregnancy

Recommended guidelines for exercise in pregnancy

All women, unless they have underlying medical issues (see below) should be physically active throughout pregnancy. This has been shown to result in better health outcomes for the mother, the unborn child and the newborn baby. The guidelines: • A variety of aerobic...

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Pregnancy and postnatal pilates / yoga classes

Pregnancy and postnatal pilates / yoga classes

These classes are run by the fabulous Stephanie - one of our pelvic health physiotherapists, who is also a yoga and pilates teacher. Stephanie is a wonderful instructor who is passionate about helping women, so you will be in good hands! Are they for me? These classes...

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What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy?

What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy?

We regularly come across people (even health professionals!) who have never heard of pelvic health physiotherapists. Yet there are so many people who can benefit from our services. Sometimes just two or three sessions can make a huge difference to a person’s quality...

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My vagina hurts! – do I have vaginismus?

My vagina hurts! – do I have vaginismus?

Difficulty inserting tampons? Pain with vaginal examinations? Difficulty with penetrative sex? … you may have vaginismus What is vaginismus? Vaginismus refers to “muscle tightness at the vaginal entrance, that interferes with sexual intercourse”. The term is still...

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Exercise and the Menstrual Cycle

Exercise and the Menstrual Cycle

Ever noticed how your ability to exercise changes over the month? You feel bloated and like the core muscles don't want to work? You try to go to the gym or for a run and your legs just run out of steam? Craving sugar and feeling hungry all the time if you exercise?...

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Fluid intake – Dispelling the myths!

Fluid intake – Dispelling the myths!

How much is enough? You might be surprised! A commonly held belief is that drinking large volumes of water is beneficial for health. This is often quoted by the health and fitness industry, however there is no medical or scientific basis. In fact, high volumes of...

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Pregnancy WOF / Postnatal WOF – Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pregnancy WOF / Postnatal WOF – Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Protect your pelvic floor, abdominals and back during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. Make sure that you are in the best possible state to cope with the demands of pregnancy, labour and delivery. Pelvic floor physiotherapists have unique skills and expertise in the...

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A wee problem that needs to be talked about

A wee problem that needs to be talked about

Leakage of urine (urinary incontinence) is a common problem, affecting more than 1.1 million New Zealanders. It can cause embarrassment and anxiety, and can have a significant impact on social, work and personal relationships. It is common, but it is not normal – and...

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