Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma

What is birth trauma? Birth trauma is trauma that occurs before, during or after childbirth. It can be different for everyone, and it may not occur until quite some time after the birth. Birth trauma can be physical or psychological, or it may be a combination of...
Let’s cut the crap and talk about bowel control

Let’s cut the crap and talk about bowel control

Problems with loss of bowel control include what we call faecal incontinence (loss of solid or liquid from the bowel) or flatus incontinence (passing of wind when you don’t mean to). These problems are more common than you think! 14.7% of New Zealanders surveyed...
Easing the transition into menopause

Easing the transition into menopause

What can you do to ease the transition into menopause? Changing hormones leading up to menopause will cause different symptoms for different people. There are often problems with sleep, extra stress and anxiety, and issues with temperature regulation. Thankfully,...


What is perimenopause? Perimenopause refers to the year or years before your periods stop completely. It is a time of natural hormone transition towards menopause. During perimenopause, the body’s production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones made by the...
Got your Easter EGGS??

Got your Easter EGGS??

Do you have Easter EGGS?? – make sure they are chocolate, and NOT Jade eggs!                               So… what does the evidence say? Gadgets can do 3 things: 1.Give you more feedback through intravaginal sensors to tell you how hard you are squeezing....